Sunday, May 17, 2020

Overpopulation, Overcrowding, Poverty and Conflict Essay

Overpopulation, Overcrowding, Poverty and Conflict At present, there are 6.5 billion people in the world and the number continues to multiply. In contrast, there are only a limited number of natural resources. On a global basis, the human population has shown a J-shaped pattern of growth over the past two thousand years, while the availability of natural resources mandatory for human survival is in slow decline. The implications of this are not limited to mass starvation, poverty and overcrowding of poorly sanitized cities. In fact, the current stress created by the imbalance between a burgeoning population and a finite number of resources are also one of the main factors contributing to the rise of violent inter-group conflict.†¦show more content†¦Southwick also reminds us that although the situation we have set up for ourselves in the future might be highly regrettable, we are already reaping the bad seed that we sowed in some parts of the world. We often forget that a greater part of the developing world is suffering at the hand of this incredible discrepancy between burgeoning population and environmental scarcity. As of 1992, -One out of every five people in the world, including one out of three children under the age of five is hungry or malnourished. -17 million are refugees, stateless, landless and often homeless. -One out of three people have poor health care and not enough fuel to cook food or keep warm. -Over a billion people are seriously ill with preventable diseases, including malaria, tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, trypanosomiasis, and filariasis. (Miller) According to Southwick, scientists estimate that the optimum global population is no more than 2 billion people. They believe that somewhere between 1 and 2 billion people could be supported in relative prosperity. (161) Compare this with the current gl0bal human population of 6.5 Billion. Clearly, a problem is at hand. Some pessimistic although perhaps realistic scientists even view the current human population growth as a carcinogenic or cancer-like growth with the potential of destroying the global ecosystem. (Southwick161) In simple terms, the problem of the rapid growth inShow MoreRelatedOverpopulation Is Not An Issue1357 Words   |  6 PagesOverpopulation is not an issue many people in developing countries face at this point in time. Put simply, overpopulation is â€Å"the condition of having a population so dense that it causes environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, or a population crash† (Merriam-Webster). It should not be taken lightly bec ause it cannot be reversed in a short time period. 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